soy portena showroom - Buen dia!! La dirección es Pte Peron 1610, 5to B , entre Montevideo y R . Peña a 6 cuadras del obelisco, Lunes a Viernes de 13hs a 19 hs
0% discount paying with Transferencia o depósito bancario
Total: €116,01€116,01€116,01
The discount will be applied over the total cost of the order (without shipping) when the checkout process is finished.
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Efectivo/Transferencia Bancaria/Paypal (international orders )
0% discount paying with Efectivo/Transferencia Bancaria/Paypal (international orders )
Total: €116,01€116,01€116,01
The discount will be applied over the total cost of the order (without shipping) when the checkout process is finished.
Not combinable with other promotions
Zapato de Cuero, Taco escala de 8 cms (Chequea la altura del taco que utilizas en la seccion "Como saber que taco uso"). Leather Shoes, Heel 78 cms scale (Please check your heel height on section "Como saber que taco uso"